As many among you already know from first-hand experience or from the news, the spreading of CoVid-19 and the strategies enforced to contain its outbreak, are a great burden to our community.
It became hard for all of us to move around, to shop for groceries, to go work, and live our lives with the freedom we had been so accustomed to. All this change is reflected in every aspect of our lives, and even more so it has greatly affected our ability to sustain the needs of the families and the homeless, whom already vulnerable find themselves even more in need.
Caritas doesn’t close its facilities. With social workers and volunteers still in the field we are asking everyone’s help to support our efforts in this emergency:
Unfortunately, many people have already experience disruption in the work place, and soon they could also risk losing their job or experience a significant reduction in the same. For other workers there are lay-off schemes in place, however they probably won’t be active immediately. The economic and social impact risk being very serious. Even the relationship aspect can become fragile, as we know that when a family struggles through economic problems everything becomes more complicated.
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